Our team

Our team of highly qualified and motivated caring people are all animal and people lovers. We are all about personal growth and delivering memorable experiences.  With many years of experience in our fields of expertise, we are committed to assist your growth, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Fiona Mead

Owner and manager of Azur Farm

With her background as an integrative veterinarian, you know that all the animals at Azur Farm are well cared for! 
Fiona is passionate about her role as a guardian; co-creating with animals, animal communication, meditation with animals, various healing modalities, mindset and wellbeing.  Fiona loves hosting people on the farm and sharing inspiration from the organic gardening and spiritual ideas. Optimizing personal health and wellbeing through becoming aware of and directing our own thoughts is something Fiona has done for many years.   She is more than happy to support people in their journey when they are ready to create change in their lives for the better.


Chief Happiness Officer

Zuess has faced more than his fair share of loss and health problems through his life. Through it all he remains playful and finds the joy in the little things in life; like car rides, his toys and barking at the cats when they are out of line.  He can be found sleeping a lot or loyally beside Fiona. 


CEO of Vermin Control & Sleep Guru

Bob knows a thing or two about being purrrfectly contented & being self-sufficient.  He is an avid supporter of outdoor pursuits and maintains his fitness by patrolling the farm.  He especially prides himself on bringing home food for the family, even if the family are not into eating it!


2IC Mouser & Sleep Guru

Timmy came from the streets of South Auckland.  He still thinks about his stomach the most and has amnesia about when he last ate.  Besides this his favourite past time is sleeping on any sunny bed or fluffy blanket and playing with mice he has caught.
He takes a little time to get over his shyness and warm to people, but once he does he'll be very contented to relax with you.


3IC in the chain of vermin controllers

Moppet is the youngest member of the family and tends to run from anyone coming inside the house. He is working on overcoming his instinctive flight response.  He was a wild kitten but is adapting to being a house cat at Azur Farm.  He likes routine and really is an introvert, preferring his own company, but you may find him lurking in the shadows.  Sometimes you may see a plume of black, fluffy tail moving through the paddock.  He really is quite dashing - literally!  To pat him, first you must befriend him with your quiet ways.

We're recruiting!!

Chief Welcoming & Organization Officer & Chief Farm Guide Position

Do you enjoy assisting people in their growth and creating memorable experiences while being committed to upholding animal welfare and high standards of animal care?
Do you have great customer service skills and a can do attitude with a SMILE? Are you fit and active and willing to go the extra mile for people?  Do you treat everyone as unique and special?
Do you have your own reliable transport and live handy to Kumeu?  Do you not mind weekend work and event organising during the week? Can you delegate and oversee projects? Then this part time role (initially) may be right for you.  
Please send your email of interest to hello@azurfarmnz.com

Meet the 
Munch Bunch

Currently 5 horses reside at Azur Farm, but we are on the lookout for another riding pony...

Our horses run together as a herd and we use a track system and try to keep the horses barefoot, although some wear hoof boots when ridden.

The longest standing family member (since 2005) is Andy.  He was born in Port Albert in January 2002 and towers over people at 17.2hh.  He is a gentle giant and loves a scratch under the jaw.  Sadly he has an airway disorder that means he cannot over exert himself, or he struggles to breath properly.  He got himself into trouble with a coil of barbed wire when he was 18months old and has the scars to show his journey to wholeness on his off hind leg.  He likes to be his own boss but loves being in the camera limelight.

Next is Ollie, who is our star pony and space holder for healing meditations.  He was born on Christmas Eve of 2007 and has lived on the farm since June of 2008. His love of food means he can be found getting the best grass on the property, he can find.

Kiara has not known any other home other than Azur Farm. She was born to Gem on 22 February 2016, sired by Weiti Kingswood. She is the darling princess of the herd and since her mother's passing, is lead mare, usually by her soft gentleness. But don't think she can't turn on a bit of spunk when she feels the need! Just ask Grail what she did to put him in his place... while Fiona was riding her!

Rocky (aka Rockstar) was going to be euthanised when he was only 8 years old, until Fiona took him on.   He had developed allergies and was pushed too young, as a show-jumper, so ended up with some body issues that means he often doesn't find being ridden too comfortable, especially at certain times of the year.  He is a gentle teddy bear and loves a hug or two.  He is a thoroughbred gelding born in 2008.  He loves meditation time and within his being, there is a stunning horse waiting to be all he can be.

Lastly, the newest addition to the team has been SA bred, ex-Hong Kong race horse Mr Tibbs.  He has made is presence known from the get-go and has asserted himself as head food taster.  He is a 6 year old thoroughbred, (born 2017), soon to start a dressage career.  While he is sensible being handled, he is very sensitive to people's energy and still needs a few miles under saddle to learn the ropes.

The rest of the Crew

Gotland Pelt Sheep have resided at the farm for a number of years.  Only one of the original group of 4 Gotlands bred by Betsy in the Waikato have survived to a ripe old age.  New stock has been brought in from Lothbrok Stud in Mangawai in  2022 and the first season of lambs has delivered 3 ram lambs and 2 ewe lambs.

Other inhabitants include chickens, pea cocks and pea hens along with many species of birdlife - harriers, mallard and paradise ducks, pheasants, tuis, blackbirds, thrush, lorikeets, sparrows and chaffinches.

In Loving Memory

Animals who are no longer with us at Azur Farm, but who left happy memories in the hearts of those they touched, by sharing themselves and their love and by simply being themselves.

How Azur Farm Came to Be

Purchased by Fiona Mead in 2002, Azur Farm initially started out as a Spirituality Wellness Centre.  It was home to a community of people who initially shared a vision of embracing UNITY & ONENESS. Since 2017, Fiona has been forced to stand up for her original vision of creating a bio-diverse & sustainable lifestyle farm.  This challenge has deepened her understanding and resulting faith and commitment to being in service and supporting others in their journey to overcome setbacks and negativity in life.  Mindset and lifestyle mentors have been and continue to be invaluable, to assist in developing a more positive mindset and proactively enabling Fiona to believe in herself and her ambitions. 

Fiona's deep connection with Nature and animals have supported her journey of wholeness and growth as a leader in her field. She no longer fears to speak her truth and supports others to find their inner strength to do the same.  We are all molded positively and negativity, through our life experiences; in the home, at school, karmatic life-lessons or learning difficulties such as having dyslexia, ADHD or autism. Caregivers for these special individuals also need time out and support to replenish their energy in a natural environment.  It is what we do with these experiences, that matters most!

Together with her love of animals (especially horses), Fiona had a vision to contribute to children & adults' well belling - supporting them to discover their unique gifts and vital contributions for their life purpose; to develop a strong & healthy mindset, so they may share their gifts in positive ways while here on Earth.  Children of today, more than ever, NEED time to ground in nature and the outdoors to support their healthy learning and inquisitive minds. 

Understanding the need for sustainability  & biodiversity of ecosystems, both within Nature and groups of people whether they are a  family unit, business, nation or world, ensure we upskill as guardians of our inhabitable earth, healing ourselves and the Earth at the same time.  

Understanding and living from the fact that 
Everything is Interconnected
 through energy is the foundation of 
living in harmony
 with all aspects of yourself.